The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

Little MisPlaced

Little MisPlaced

Thursday, August 21, 2008

And so it begins

So the next chapter or phase in my life has started: Fall Semester 2008. I looked over my classes this semester(Federal income Tax 1, Business Law 2, and Intermediate Accounting) Wow, what was I thinking, Oh well to late now, I will manage. I have a few assignments due tomorrow already, I think I am getting a little overwhelmed so I am sure I will manage. I really need to buckle down this weekend and figure out a routine and schedule that suits us all!


Anonymous said...

Sure, sure take the day off to work. Real nice way to relax girl. This terms classes sound tough.. what were you thinking? I'll be looking for zuccini bread tomorrow :) KD

One of the Bunch said...

It will all come in order soon. I'm just hooking up to the net now after shopping, cooking, cleaning and then needing to make a second trip back to the store. I did find what I was looking for at Meijer but it was $70. Not worth it right now to me. I instead, I bought a $6 long phone cord and tucked it securely under the rugs we've got by the bar. It works for me. Hopefully, we can all hang this weekend. We're planning a bonfire Saturday night!!! Bring your PJs and your drinks! :)

My MisPlaced Friends

About Us

The Mrs. is a full time Mother, Student, Worker and Wife. The Mr. is a full time Worker, Dad and Husband. Little P is a soon-to-be full time student. Life around the MisPlaced is almost always entertaining! Stay a while and see if you end up MisPlaced too.