The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

Little MisPlaced

Little MisPlaced

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The PIECE is gone!

OK so those of you that know us know that my Durango has been nothing but a pain since about day 1. As of lately with the gas prices it has been even more of a headache and is killing us to put gas in it to even get me back and forth to work! Damon has been trying for months now to figure a way to get me a CAR, and today we accomplished our goal. My husband has spoiled me rotten by buying me a 2008 Chevrolet Impala, imperial blue with only 50 miles on it and we were the ones to put the miles on it to begin with! Rock ON. In the 10yrs that we have been married we have only ever owned used cars previously owned never one right off the lot just for us! We are ecstatic!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Busy Weekend

This weekend was crazy busy, we had baby shower invites, reception and wedding invites, bonfires, racing, and school clothes shopping dates. Wow how we managed to stay afloat is beyond me. Damon, raced on Friday for the final points battle, he finished 3rd in the point standing this year, Our friend Jack won(congratulations) we have had an on going joke about this chair he broke and one of these days we are going to send it home with him. Damon jokingly told Paige to let Jack's air out of his tires Friday, Jack found out that Paige actually does know how to do that, when he heard the hissing come from his race car tires(Go Paige) she is smart as a whip. Speaking of how smart she is she learned to tie her tennis shoes today in about 5 mins. Rock on Girl. Saturday Paige and I went to a baby shower for some family, There is going to be another little girl added to the family. Then she got to go to Grandma's for the night (she had a ton of fun) I will have to get some pictures from Mom to post. Then a few other stops Saturday Damon and I finally made it home about 1-2am. Today we went school clothes shopping with our Aunt Beck and Em, and Kate. Wow how they grow. She is wearing a 5T. and size 10 1/2 shoes crazy how the time fly's. Just yesterday it seems was still in diapers. Now it is time to settle down have some dinner and go to bed for little miss, Mom on the other hand is going to start some homework and see what else can get done.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

And so it begins

So the next chapter or phase in my life has started: Fall Semester 2008. I looked over my classes this semester(Federal income Tax 1, Business Law 2, and Intermediate Accounting) Wow, what was I thinking, Oh well to late now, I will manage. I have a few assignments due tomorrow already, I think I am getting a little overwhelmed so I am sure I will manage. I really need to buckle down this weekend and figure out a routine and schedule that suits us all!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Zucchini anyone

OK so I asked Damon to see if his co-worker would give me any zucchini, so that I could make bread. WOW, was I asking for it, his co-worker gave me some zucchini on steroids I think. I have cut up one Zucchini and I have 12cups, I need 2 cups for 2 loafs of bread. I don't even think Damon and Paige like Zucchini bread. (OK well more for me). Today has been a busy day I have only gotten to sit down @ work it seems. Damon and I went to Menard's to pick up some last pieces of wood for the Desk he is building, some stain, and trim for the doors! My mudroom/sewing room is getting close to being done. Damon has worked his A*& off this week just to make me happy(or not hear me Bit**) Whichever, I am a happy camper(that is till I have to paint again.) Where is it stated that the wife does all the painting, I missed that bi-line in my marriage certificate, anyone else? Did I mention that I have blown in glitter in the mudroom isn't it pretty? My desk is looking awesome, Damon has done a great job, I hope to be able to post pictures of the finished product soon, His part will be done he says by Thursday so hopefully I can get the painting and staining done by the end of the weekend.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A week of accomplishment

I can say that this week has brought some astounding accomplishments to my house hold. I have pictures to prove it too! My husband has been working on putting a desk in my mudroom/sewing room. IT is turning out wonderful, I have to find stain I am going to try to match it up with my sewing table color.(which I finally put together this weekend, I had gotten it almost 3 Christmas's ago from my mom. (I told her I had intentions to use it, now I can) For whatever reason I am not able to post pic's at this time.:( So I will try again later. I would also like to add a note that to please keep some prayers in mind for a family friend who has lost his mother today. She will be missed by many.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thanking God for good friends

Today has been a ruff bout.. My projects I mentioned B4 still have gotten no were really fast. So I set my mind on getting some done this weekend a little painting some laundry and whatever my speedy little self could get accomplished. That was till my husband send me into a tissy yesterday, he has put off helping me for close to 2yrs now with any of the interior projects that he told the contractor we would do. I have worked on them bit by bit and accomplished to recruit some helpers along the way to finish drywall hanging, and muding.. but alas the painting has eluded me. Till tonight when our closest friends decided to come to my rescue as my husband set off to play with the boy's at the race track.(That is an entirely more frustrating story, and best left under the rug for now) I have now at this point gotten the 2nd coat of paint in the mudroom around the edges(and would have it finished if Menard's had not mixed the 2nd can of paint wrong) I hope to have my husband put up trim soon I have painted to other walls that needed painted(all with the aide and support of 2 great friend) while my child was entertained by theirs in the back yard. I have rearranged my daughters bedroom so that she is more comfortable(not on a bunk bed no more- all of a sudden there has been issues with being in a bunk bed for her) and the room is great.. I have put away all the laundry that has been stacked around the house waiting for a dresser (being we now have our bed in that also has all the dressers) Live is finally starting to seem like it is not all piled against me! Our friend Tim and Becky are saviors.. Tim helped burn off all the branches in the burn pit, the torn off trim, the left over wood from here and there and all the boxes from our bed when that was shipped. My yard will someday look as I impicture it to, but for now I will most definitely settle for not having a ton of junk everywhere! Again all I can say is THANK GOD FOR GOOD FRIENDS! with out them to day I would have been lost and broken for certain.

The end is near

Yesterday we ran one of the last few races left to run. We have points night next Friday and then the annual Harvest on Sunday next week. After that we have one week off and then get to have"fun night" where Damon plans on "souping" up his car and making it super fast. This brings a sense of relaxation for me, the end of the season a time when I can start to not run around so much. Hopefully this year falls into that classification. I have no idea what to expect, with Paige starting school and me going back again for fall semester. I guess we will have to wait and see. I am hopeful all will fall into place.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pose princess

Steam show weekend mom and Paige goofing with the camera.
Look's like someone else was trying to get into this one!

Smile. We're having some fun now. What a wonderful smile, it makes her mamma's day when she smiles.

Look at these muscles. Wow @ 4yrs old she is one tough cookie.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

and the fun never stops

Ok well another eventful night at the Place house. Our friend called needing assistance with moving some stuff so my husband lept to the rescue(go big D). When he got home he had to have our neighbor and friend help load a side by side refrigerator to take out to another person's house that we know who bought it for the bargain price of $100. Now that was funny to watch them load the fat boy up (it weighs a ton)! then we sat and b.s. with our neighbor(chad) Damon, beck, and I while the kids frolic in the back. Damon left to deliver the refrigerator(probable about 1hr ago) and is not back yet hope all is well. When Beck went to leave her oldest had run the battery out jamin' to the radio. (( OOPS )) good thing we have a charger, to bad my dumb butt forgot to ground the wire:o) After I grounded the wire it started right on up! (go me) Now I am trying to patiently get rug-rat ready for bed! And like the last week it seems to be a battle! Just another fun night around my house!

just one of those days

OK so I have found myself to be a foul crabby *&%$# these days with little explanation. At the littlest of hints for something to go wrong I have a melt down and fly off the handle of my not so sturdy broom! Today I seriously though about getting up from my desk and choking a co-worker until she figured out how to keep her GUM in her MOUTH. Someday's I believe this is a task she may never master. I did get to do some fun stuff my kind of stuff on lunch. I went with a friend to get her wedding dress fitted again. My little angel is going to be in her wedding in September.*(she can hardly wait) It seems like the more I try to do the stuff I enjoy or want the more it seems to be lost to me. I took the summer off of school so that I could get some projects done- today none have been finished to completion. Now that my summer has almost come to a screeching halt I find myself with nothing to show for it. The only thing that got accomplished thus far is that I bought a new bed and Damon and I have put it together ( this only took us 10hrs). My bedroom is only partially painted, my sewing room is still unfinished 3yrs later, I sold my desk in a yard sale this summer and now have no where to sit to do my homework when fall semester starts on the 21st(what a dumb butt). I love to sew and crafty but I did not do that this summer either, I partially planted a flower garden and landscaped but that has not been weeded in about 1 1/2 months either. WOW, am I lazy or just scatted. Please don't answer that (those of you that know me the best). OK, well enough for my rant I will see you all soon.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Ok so "bear" with me I am a new Blogger and I will need lots of help! Life is slow right now the rugrat is in bed sleeping peacefully, and Damon is stranded in Mason with Bob. So I have a few minutes to myself. I am getting all worked up these days wondering how I am to manage work, school and life. This semester a few things are changing, Paige is in school and I have to accomidate my schedule to make sure she is in bed sooner*(and I do mean a lot sooner)* and gets up way earlier(ug that sucks for me too) it will be like being a new mom all over again. I am trying to figure out when I need to get up how I am going to get Paige around in time to get to the bus(being it picks up 20-25 minutes before I usually drop her off to daycare). This is going to be fun! Then what to do with all the time left over it is not enought to go back home and to bed till it is time for me to leave for work. I will be gone 3 nights till past 8p.m. so Damon will have the added joy of cooking, cleaning, and Paige school work to play with, I'm sure he is excited! Good thing he handles it well, What would I do with out that man! Ok, I'm out of here for now!

A Work in Progress

Be patient with me as I try to Perfectly Place all of the Misplaced things I have before me.

Hopefully soon I will be up and posting regularly.

Until then, enjoy these misplaced items that created quite a beauty of a lawn ornament.

My MisPlaced Friends

About Us

The Mrs. is a full time Mother, Student, Worker and Wife. The Mr. is a full time Worker, Dad and Husband. Little P is a soon-to-be full time student. Life around the MisPlaced is almost always entertaining! Stay a while and see if you end up MisPlaced too.