The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

Little MisPlaced

Little MisPlaced

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It has been awhile, things are crazy lately it seems that every time I turn around there is more homework do! Damon is studying for his water tests which is tomorrow. I think he is going to do well he took it last year this time and just missed his licenses by a tiny percentage. Updates to come when they available. Paige had a ball on Halloween, she was mostly interested in the haunted house that a local homeowner does in his backyard, She went though twice! She got a fair amount of candy(non-of which I have gone though yet so it is still put up) We bought "Tinkerbell" the movie tonight so I did not see much of her after her reading was done! Ok well that is for all tonight.

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The Mrs. is a full time Mother, Student, Worker and Wife. The Mr. is a full time Worker, Dad and Husband. Little P is a soon-to-be full time student. Life around the MisPlaced is almost always entertaining! Stay a while and see if you end up MisPlaced too.