The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

Little MisPlaced

Little MisPlaced

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Paige's Big Day

This is Paige and her new teacher Mrs. Arnold
This is Paige getting ready for her 1st day of school (see it is all about the TV these days)

Paige began school for the 1st time this week. Mom and Dad were very excited and nervous(mom probably more so than dad). We took her to her 1st day it was only a few hours to kind of introduce her to the setting and what was going to be happening along with getting to know her new teacher Mrs. Arnold. Paige to our outstanding surprise was not her usual outgoing forward self she instead was reserved and stood off to the side as if she were scared of the entire situation. Damon and I were confused to say the least and worried that this was going to be a problem. When we got home we discussed it and she seemed fine, so the next day off to school again for her with reassurance from mom and dad that she would meet lots of new friends and have a fun day at school. I had class and work on her 1st whole day of school so I was very anxious to here what she had done, learned, and just how everything went(being we got off to a rather bad start in the morning. We missed the school bus, it had changed it's pick up time, and then we just could not seem to get around) I called the babysitter at least 3 times(sorry jean) just antsy to talk to Paige. When I finally did get to talk to her she reassuered me she got on the bus just fine after school, even though one of the other kids did not. She said that she did some "stuff" and that it was a good day. I was rather disappointed I was expecting a complete run down of the day and this was it. I was going to have to wait till I got home late in the evening after class to really get a good run down of the day's events.
The day seemed to take as long as it possible could, I thought that it would never end. Work was typical nothing really eventful there to keep my mind off how my Paige's day really went. I left work to head to class and of course got stuck in traffic up to my eyeballs - in down town and then in the parking ramp. Someone really needs to think of some better alternatives to shutting down 1/2 of the routes in and out of LCC. After fighting with traffic I bee-lined straight to class, that seemed to go fairly fast until we got in groups for our class problem( I think I got the "special" group this round if you know what I mean). So I ended up getting out of class about 5-10 minutes later than I have been, which in turn I again got stuck in "parking ramp HELL" I sat in line in the parking structure for 30 minutes. I thought I was going to loose my mind. When I finally made it out of there it was smooth sailing all the way home, I did not even put my stuff down when I walked in I shot straight to Paige's bedroom and drilled her on her afternoon's details. She told me what she did in Gym class, she got to run and skip(gallop), She sang with the class the song about stealing cookies from the cookie jar(She said Mrs. Arnold stold the cookies but it was OK because she is going to have a baby and the baby wanted them) I thought that was really cute. She said she ate a good lunch and that she got to play on the playground with a few other friends from daycare. So the day went without any big trauma. I felt really relieved and finally was satisfied with that. So her 1st full day went much better that her introduction and my hope is that each day will be as fun and exciting as it possibly can be


One of the Bunch said...

Oh, how I love "who stole the cookie" song. It's a cute song. And of *course* Mrs. Arnold needed those cookies for the little guy! :)

I'm so glad her day went well and uneventful. She is going to have so much fun!!

Emilee has a picture very similar with Mrs. Arnold. I just haven't had time to get it posted. Maybe after a bit.

Hope your day is going well.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool. She is so for sure going up so quick. I think she is like her momma she's gonna knock some little kid out for stealing her hearband that is so funny. the cookie thing is so cute. hope she had fun at school and loves it and makes a bunch of friends. how has the week went with school for her? well, chat at ya later and it was nice to hear for the old sista. :) have fun and work and school and the whole routine all over again.


Anonymous said...

miss paige well start to shine after a bite. She has to teat to water first to see how it is run. She will be herself in no time. just what and see.
love the granddaught .
love grandma

My MisPlaced Friends

About Us

The Mrs. is a full time Mother, Student, Worker and Wife. The Mr. is a full time Worker, Dad and Husband. Little P is a soon-to-be full time student. Life around the MisPlaced is almost always entertaining! Stay a while and see if you end up MisPlaced too.