The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

The biggest Betty Boop Fan Ever

Little MisPlaced

Little MisPlaced

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Ending of a bitter semester

Well I have reached the end of yet one more semester as a Student! Boy was I happy to see it end. I am a bit irritated now because I carried a 3.0 in my Federal income tax up until Sunday when it dropped to a beautiful 2.5 - oh how this is going to kill my GPA. The kicker of it is... I have to take the second part next semester. AHHH- I know how do I plan on being a CPA, if I don't like taxes? I have no intention of being a tax accountant!!! One thing I know is unavoidable are taxes and death -- and trust me one could cause the other. The way thinks are figures seem to be ass backwards. The other bonus to my week was I received a Letter from Paige's school it seems she has missed 7 days - so unless she is already skipping in Kindergarten, I am left to wonder if the school is counting some of the times they have called me to come get her because she doesn't "feel Good" which seems to be a big waste of my time because she has yet to be actually sick just a little warm.. but perfectly energetic all the same. I don't under stand this - We also have a friend who's child is in Paige's class that is a recipient of the same STUPID letter, which she also is having a difficult time accounting for the days her child was missing ?? Which is not to difficult being she has more than one child and no other kid is in receipt of the letter. Not really sure what is up with that.... I have been a busy little bee these past few weeks trying to get school work done and also get things bought for the Christmas holiday!!! For those of you who did not hear Damon got some good news -he passed his water license this time around with flying colors!! I knew he would do good, he worked is Butt off :)

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The Mrs. is a full time Mother, Student, Worker and Wife. The Mr. is a full time Worker, Dad and Husband. Little P is a soon-to-be full time student. Life around the MisPlaced is almost always entertaining! Stay a while and see if you end up MisPlaced too.